Medical Education
As long as medicine and medical care advance day by day, patients' needs change, and the society that supports medical care changes, medical education must be constantly renewed. The Department of Medical Education was organized to enhance the quality of medical education and improve the environment of medical education at Chiba University School of Medicine and Chiba University Hospital. Our role is to support teachers and healthcare professionals who practice education. We hope that we can be of some help, from the standpoint of a specialist in education, to teachers who educate in their field of expertise in how to teach, evaluate, and manage their education, and to resolve any questions or problems they may have regarding their education.
Shoichi Ito
TEL: +81-43-226-2229
FAX: +81-43-226-2229
e-mail: sito●
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Research & Education

We are committed to continuous improvement of undergraduate, post-graduate, and continuing education. In undergraduate medical education, we are in charge of Interprofessional Professional Education (IPE), Ethics Education, Medical English Education, Clinical Education including Clinical Clerkship, and Introductory and Remedial Education for first-year students. In addition, the department conducts examinations by wbt (web-based test) at each grade level and conducts faculty developments. Furthermore, we manage the mentoring system and work in various committees. We organize the “Medical Education Retreat”, one of the major events of the School of Medicine, once a year, and plan and conduct lectures and workshops for the improvement of education at our school. In postgraduate education, we manage and improve our residency programs with the goal of further enhancing clinical training. For continuous improvement of the above education, data is collected and analyzed by the department's IR group.
Recent Publications
Shikino K, Iwasaki M, Takahara A, Kogayo N, Ito S, Ikusaka M. Online clinical reasoning skill training course for medical students: General medicine interest group. J Gen Fam Med. 2021 Sep 29;23(2):133-134.
Kasai H, Shikino K, Saito G, Tsukamoto T, Takahashi Y, Kuriyama A, Tanaka K, Onodera M, Yokoh H, Tatusmi K, Yoshino I, Ikusaka M, Sakao S, Ito S. Alternative approaches for clinical clerkship during the COVID-19 pandemic: online simulated clinical practice for inpatients and outpatients-A mixed method. BMC Med Educ. 2021 Mar 8;21(1):149.
Kasai H, Ito S, Tajima H, Takahashi Y, Sakurai Y, Kawata N, Sugiyama H, Asahina M, Sakai I, Tatsumi K. The positive effect of student-oriented clinical clerkship rounds employing role-play and peer review on the clinical performance and professionalism of clerkship students. Med Teach. 2020 Jan;42(1):73-78.